Fitness THAT
SetS you free

Noble is a fitness ministry that hosts retreats helping women of all ages transform the way that they view their bodies, exercise, and food through a Biblical lens.

Learn more about upcoming retreats and Noble experiences!

The Noble Mission

Our mission is to help women of all ages transform the way they view their bodies, fitness, and food by believing they are Noble, the daughters of the Most High King.


We envision a world where women are confident in what the Lord says about them, where they are free from the unrealistic standards culture has placed on them and their bodies.


Christ Centered - Everything we do is founded in the truth of God’s Word.

Identity - Teaching women who God is and who He says they are.

Community - Creating a safe environment for women to be vulnerable and known.

Spiritual Disciplines - Teaching women how to experience God through Scripture, prayer, and hearing God’s voice.

Fitness - Viewing exercise as a way to honor our bodies.

Why noble matters

With the increase of social media, women will continue to believe the lie that their worth depends on their appearance. Disordered eating and body dissatisfaction will persist until women personally experience the freedom that comes from knowing God’s truth.


  • 91%

    91% of women are dissatisfied with their bodies, leading to dieting to achieve unrealistic standards

  • Top 4

    Body image ranks among the top 4 concerns for young women

  • 50%

    50% of 13-year-old American girls struggle with body image issues, rising to 80% by age 18

  • As of 2024

    Girls as young as three years old struggle with body image

  • 2nd deadliest

    Eating disorders are the 2nd deadliest mental health disorder after opioid use

  • 70%

    Nearly 70% of adult women avoid activities due to body image concerns

Transformative retreats

Noble retreats are designed to bring women together who are ready to be set free from the lies of culture.

Led by Nicoletta Bradley and other speakers and professionals (ie. Christian dietitians and licensed counselors) we find beautiful retreat centers all across the country for women to get away from the pressure of everyday life. Enjoy workouts, and be transformed by Biblical teachings over what Scripture says about body image, fitness, and food.

Our goal in the next few years is to host various retreats for women of all ages (expectant and postpartum moms, brides, mothers and daughters, and so much more!)

the noble Community

Surround yourself with a community of women who want to grow in their faith and break free from the lies of culture. Push each other to know the truth of who God says they really are while developing a healthy relationship with their bodies, food, and fitness.